Life insurance is a powerful financial tool that when structured and utilized properly can be used to leverage wealth to future generations, provide significant income in retirement, and provide a tax favored platform to accomplish many other financial goals and objectives.
The vast majority of our clients utilize life insurance for some aspect of their planning. Whether it’s to address and leverage wealth to future generations, or provide tax-free income, life insurance is used as a vehicle to provide significant tax favored benefits. Our nuanced approach to addressing these goals with little to no negative affect on our clients’ current cash flow is one of the things the sets us apart from other professionals in our industry.
While many providers utilize a needs-based approach to replace income to individuals, we believe this is a limiting process and underestimates an individual’s true worth. Our methodology in planning for basic family protection relies on a concept called Human Life Value. This approach analyzes and quantifies a person’s true earnings potential over their lifetime and combines those earning with other types of financial benefits a person demands. These values are then calculated on a present value basis to determine the current Human Life Value of an individual. The courts have used this approach in wrongful death and personal injury litigation for many years and this method is universally accepted as the best way to place an economic value on one’s life.
Tags: Life Insurance, Estate Planning, KanbanUSA